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The power of a small brown make-up bag

So, I was running late. I decided to just find a random parking lot downtown instead of my usual spot that required me to walk a few extra blocks. It was a usual day and I was feeling pretty good about the day despite the hurried schedule. I wore a comfy jeans and sweatshirt combo. Given my rush out of the house that morning I threw on a hat and neglected my make-up bag. No big deal, I usually don’t get too bothered about appearances while doing street outreach.

As I pulled in I handed the parking attendant my credit card. Without taking it he shook his head no. “We don’t take credit cards. Cash only.” His bright plaid shirt seemed a bit loud in appearance but it was his abruptness that was even louder. “OK” I thought except I really was in a hurry and could use the help….. “I’m so sorry” I apologized, “is there any way you could just let me run to an ATM on my way back?” Given his disinterest I wasn’t surprised at his response. “Nope, sorry. Cash only. You’ll have to just drive in and turn around, I’ll let you out.” Well, that was that. Of course he had rules to follow and it would be unfortunate if he got in trouble for disregarding them.

I didn’t think twice about it until this Tuesday. I was heading to the Capitol that morning to lobby with some other people from a coalition. I made sure to have my best dress pants on, full make-up... the whole enchilada. I even underwent the annoying task of blow drying my hair, which is a rare occurrence. I had plenty of time that morning but it seemed like everyone else in the metro area had the same idea and they all took my parking spot. I didn’t realize that I had turned into that same lot until I saw the same man standing there, bright plaid and all. I realized I had made a wrong turn. I pulled into the lot ready to explain to him that I just needed to turn around and find another spot but he unfolded his arms and flagged me to stop. I rolled down the window and before I could get a word out he asked “Looking for a spot? Number 23 is open.” I grinned and told him no thanks but I didn’t have cash on me and I just needed to turn around to find another place that takes credit card. “No need to do that, Sugar.” He unfolded his arms and bent down to lean on my window “You can take that spot and just pay me when you come back.” It seemed like 2 entire minutes of confusion but really it was more like a few seconds until I caught on. “Oh really?” I said with a sweet smile, “I thought you didn’t take cash.” He smiled back a little more interested “well, technically we don’t but I’ll make an exception.” So, I decided to take advantage of my lip gloss and straight smooth hair and I parked, waving thank you as I walked on. I could almost feel his eyes burning into the back of my neck as I walked away, leaving only the sound of my high heels clicking on the pavement.

I was gone about 4 hours and returned with my ten dollars to pay my debt. This time there were two men inside the entrance booth. One took a clipboard off the wall as I walked up and then he asked if I was number 23. I said "yes", a little curious how he knew that the white car in that spot was mine. Perhaps I was the only one who hadn't paid that morning or perhaps the man next to him in the bright plaid shirt told him. None the less, I paid my dues and turned to the flannel lover asking “you know, I was just here last week and you didn’t let me park. You said that you didn’t take credit cards.” He looked at me bewilderedly and replied with an intelligent “humph”. Noticing his limited vocabulary, I continued “Do you remember me?” I asked. “I’m driving the same car but I might look a little different, I wasn’t working that day.” He wore an honest blank stare on his face and murmured “Nope sorry, don’t remember you. Maybe you were thinking of someone else."
“Hmm…..maybe” I said.
Oink Oink.


  1. LOLOLOLOLOLOL! What a typical MAN! Loser. However this just proves how much our society cares about looks! Its ridiculous, no wonder porn makes so much money! Men will do just about anything for a visual they find appealing heres an idea. Why not jack up the tax on porn and use that to pay off our deficit it'll still sell. Tangent! Way to go bringing it to his attention that he treated you differently because you looked different.


  2. Well for starters sorry for the harassment you went through. The way the events are written are implying that your looks (sexually) was what got you the parking space, could it be that you looked more professional then the first time, there are people who do try to scam free stuff all the time,his assessment of you the first time may come from past experience of other people trying to park. For example maybe people who look more proffesional have not stiffed him and people who don't have. By no means am I trying to lessen your feelings that you felt like you were being checked out like a piece of meat, obviously the man has no tact. Now on to the comment made by Liz, I am sorry that this is a typical man in your life experience, we all are not blatant about looking like this guy was. Just as you know men are visually stimulated and women are emotionally stimulated, that being said, we look and you women know it, so hence the the form fitting, low rise jeans the low cut tops, the bras that inhance, and the make-up that hides or inhances parts that women want to on there face. So why do women do this? For the attention, why? positive attention creates positive emotional stimulus for the women. So tired of the typical man stop "dressing up", don't wear make up, and all the latest fasion be the untypical women.
