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Two wheels and a bump.

My family and I have engaged in the delicate dance of teaching a child to ride a bike without training wheels. She'll sway and bump her way down the street with the tips of her toes awkwardly jerking down towards the concrete. She hasn't figured it out yet and is still in the mode I refer to as: Completely Terrified. I was thinking. . . she hasn't fallen yet and it's the fear of the fall that's daunting. What if I fail? The questions can stop us in our tracks. Or worse: What if I actually gave it my all?

Luckily, I have it under my belt and behind me whereas she, a 6 yr. old is still learning. Right?

OK, so picture this: Once upon a time (this afternoon) I decided to ride my bike down to the park. I took in the warm sun on my shoulders and listened with a child-like wonder to the wind whistling fiercely through the wheels. I thought of my daughter and how one day she and I will take rides together much like the one I was enjoying. I'd be a savvy Urban ROCK STAR Mom who rides to the grocery store! YES! That's it. And with a bunch of little green-granola-tree-hugging kids following behind me like little ducklings. Happily and merrily we'll take on suburbia before we venture into real biking that's only done on trails. These memories will give them tales to tell their friends for years to come. I'll be awesome....coolest Mom on the block! Wouldn't you know it right in the middle of my mommy nostalgia moment I rode over some loose gravel, the back wheel spun, pebbles flew up and PLOP CRASH BOOM BAM! Into the center of the road I went! About as graceful as Bambi slipping on ice. I brushed myself off and swiftly drug my bike out of the way careful to not bend more pride than was needed. Hmm. Maybe I'm not as cool as I thought. It had never dawned on me until then - Oh yeah.....Maybe they won't want to ride with me?

I guess I better practice riding my bike with my 6 yr. old because I think she's the Rock Star and hopefully if I get the hang of it she might let me come along.

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