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Seasons & A Faithful Friend

Crisp breezes. Dances of orange, gold and reds. Fall gently sniffs out bbqs and baseball while ushering in warm drinks, holidays and wool.

With seasons naturally, come change. As I was cleaning my living room floor today, I thought a lot about how my life has changed so quickly, in such a short amount of time and lately, I've felt loneliness creep in. I'm unsure if it's been my own doing, or the result of the busy lives around me.  It doesn't really matter. I can try not to be disappointed that Sunday afternoons aren't what they used to be- filled with conversation and shared meals ....or feel sorry for myself that my phone hasn't rang much. But the fact of the matter is that there's seasons for everything and I suppose, that includes loneliness. I'd like to think that I tend to put a lot of effort into other people's lives and it's brought me happiness. Yet in surveying how much is reciprocated, it can be downright disheartening.
Is this how God feels? Does His phone ring as much as it should? What about his investments? Is He getting a sort of "profitable return on investment" from me? Sometimes.


I was reminded of Gods presence the other day. I happily took an early morning walk amongst the aspens and in prayer. A familiar hymn came to me from years ago. "He walks with me and He talks with me and He tells me I am His own. And the joy we share, as we tarry there - none other has ever known."

And as I was sweeping today and the feelings began to sweep over me, I was reminded again of that song. I have a friend who walks with me and talks with me and throughout every season, I know that I am His own. . .

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